Empresa inmobiliaria en Madrid

PI Properties Investment es un despacho profesional inmobiliario en Madrid y Barcelona especializado en la comercialización de viviendas seleccionadas de la ciudad de Madrid y Barcelona.Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer una cartera selecta de las mejores ofertas de propiedades en venta en Madrid y Barcelona para nuestros clientes nacionales y extranjeros.Guiamos personalmente a nuestros clientes compradores y vendedores durante todo el proceso de compraventa con la máxima profesionalidad y la más estricta confidencialidad.Ofrecemos un servicio 360º personalizado en todas las áreas de actuación, aportando soluciones integrales, rápidas y eficaces.Somos líderes en ideas innovadoras, diferentes y frescas. Introducimos el uso de las tecnologías más avanzadas en el sector inmobiliario.Asesoramos y ofrecemos un servicio de tasación en Madrid y Barcelona totalmente gratis y sin compromiso.Tanto si quieres comprar como vender tu piso, confía en PI Properties Investment.


CALLE Castellana , 77
Madrid (Madrid)

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I'm an experienced real estate professional with in-depth knowledge of the real estate market in Madrid and Barcelona. Over the years, I have worked with diverse clients, both national and international, providing them with the best opportunities in the property market. My expertise lies in guiding clients through the entire buying and selling process, ensuring professionalism and strict confidentiality. I specialize in offering a personalized 360º service, bringing innovative ideas and incorporating advanced technologies to stay ahead in the real estate sector.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided article about the real estate agency "PI Properties Investment" in Madrid and Barcelona:

  1. PI Properties Investment:

    • PI Properties Investment is introduced as a professional real estate firm in Madrid and Barcelona.
    • Specializes in the marketing of selected homes in Madrid and Barcelona.
    • Aims to provide a select portfolio of the best property offers for both national and international clients.
  2. Services Offered:

    • The agency guides clients personally through the entire buying and selling process with maximum professionalism and confidentiality.
    • Offers a 360º personalized service in all areas of operation, providing comprehensive, quick, and effective solutions.
    • Emphasizes leadership in innovative and fresh ideas, incorporating advanced technologies in the real estate sector.
  3. Technology Integration:

    • PI Properties Investment is described as a leader in introducing the use of the most advanced technologies in the real estate sector.
  4. Property Listings:

    • The article includes detailed property listings with information such as location, size, number of rooms, price per square meter, and a brief description of each property.
    • Locations mentioned include Dreta de l´Eixample, Sagrada Família, Sant Antoni, and La Nova Esquerra de l´Eixample.
  5. Prices and Opportunities:

    • Property prices are provided per square meter, and there are mentions of opportunities, discounts, and updated prices.
    • The article highlights specific opportunities, such as a price reduction in certain listings.
  6. Terraces and Reform Opportunities:

    • Some listings emphasize features like terraces, reform possibilities, and the readiness of properties to move in.
  7. Contact Information:

    • The agency's address is mentioned as CALLE Castellana, 77, Madrid.
    • Contact information and a call-to-action are included, inviting potential buyers to get in touch or request more information.
  8. Free Valuation Service:

    • PI Properties Investment offers a free and non-binding valuation service in Madrid and Barcelona.
  9. Geographical Information:

    • Specific geographical references include proximity to landmarks like the Sagrada Familia, Plaça Universitat, and Paseo de Gracia.
  10. Premium Listings and Updates:

    • Premium listings are marked with features like "Anuncio Premium+" and are mentioned to be updated recently (e.g., "actualizado hace 2 días").

In summary, PI Properties Investment positions itself as a forward-thinking real estate agency, leveraging technology, offering personalized services, and showcasing a portfolio of selected properties in key locations in Madrid and Barcelona. The article provides detailed information about various properties, prices, and opportunities, emphasizing the agency's commitment to innovation and client satisfaction.



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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 5395

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.